Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Welcome to G-Fource Gardening!

Tools/Materials - We Have and We Should Have

These are the tools/materials we used for the project.
-6L Bottle: Where the planting/garden occured
-Cutter: For cutting the holes (Main hole & Drainage)
-Sprayer: For moisture of the soil

We should have used a trowel so that the soil would be flattened perfectly.

Day 7 - Monggo Project

At the end of the first week of when we started, the plant has been looking good. See the pictures below.

Day 6 - Monggo Project

The plants were starting to grow tall. The stems were green but not yet stable. It has been a great beginning.

Day 5 - Monggo Project

On this day, seeds were started to be seen. They started to germinate and come out of the soil, but still no stem coming out.

Day 4 - Monggo Project

Still nothing really happened to the plant as it is newly planted.

Day 3 - Monggo Project

Nothing really happened to the plant as it is newly planted.

Day 2 - Monggo Project

On day 2, we began planting the seeds. We put sticks on those seeds so that we would know where the seeds were planted.

Questions during the Gardening Process

A lot of questions were raised by the four of us while we were developing our plant. Some of them are as follows:

1.) Why were there only a few seeds that grew?
-Not all seeds grew in our mini-garden. Some seeds showed up but never grew, and some seeds never showed up at all. We infer that the garden did not have equal sunlight and the seeds were overcrowding. Sunlight was not distributed properly, so were the seeds. These are the probable answers to the question.

2.) Why was there a bizarre plant that grew with our mongo project?
-Yes, you read it right. There was a unique, different plant that grew in our garden. It was probably malunggay. But how? We think that we've accidently planted a different seed for a monggo seed. It could be malunggay, but a malunggay seed looks very different from a monggo seed.

Video of Finished Monggo Project

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 1 - Monggo Project

Day 1, we have gathered soil for our plant. We have specially gone to the backyard of the ADZU HS to get some quality soil. We were lucky that we were allowed to get even just for one day.